Care Team Records Retention Policy

Old metal file cabinets.色情网站 maintains case files on students who are referred to the Care Team. 

Examples of the types of records that might be included in a Care Team case file include: 

  • the initial Care report and attachments;
  • case notes; and 
  • documents such as 
    • correspondence, 
    • releases of information and 
    • other information that the Care Team has collected about a student.

Records Retention

Care Team records are maintained in an electronic format in an online Care Team database known as Maxient. Care Team records are deleted seven years from the date of the most recent Care report, unless there is a pressing issue that necessitates that specific notes be kept longer.

Access to Student Records

A student has the right to inspect and review Care Team records that pertain to them. A student may ask for a Care record to be amended. The Office of the Registrar Privacy and FERPA web page describes the processes that students should follow to make these requests.

Disclosure of Student Records

Students may be asked by graduate schools, government agencies, potential employers, or other third parties to sign a release of information (ROI) allowing the Dean of Students Office to disclose information from Care Team records pertaining to the student. If the Dean of Students Office (DOSO) receives a valid ROI, the disclosure is limited to cases rated Moderate or higher on the NaBITA Risk Rubric. 

The Care Team makes reasonable efforts to notify the student in advance of a release of information from a Care Team record unless a subpoena expressly restricts the Care Team from doing so. A reasonable effort includes a phone call and, if needed, a follow-up email. If the student does not respond to either attempt at communication, a notice is sent to the student using certified mail.

Students may request the Care Team not disclose Care Team records pertaining to them to a third party.

Disclosure Limitation Request Process

  1. Student submits a written request to the Care Team Chairperson at: 
  2. The Care Team Chairperson and one other Care Team member review the request and make a determination within two weeks of receipt of the request.

    The reviewers consider the following factors:
    • The NaBITA risk rating of the case
    • The number of Care reports that the Care Team has received about an individual
    • The length of time since the Care report was submitted
    • Whether the student has taken steps to address the concern in the Care report
    • The reasoning given by the student in their request
  3. If the student鈥檚 request is granted, a note is placed in the electronic file, indicating that the student鈥檚 record is not to be disclosed unless it is explicitly stated by law that the DOSO needs to provide the information.