Parking Permits: General

  • Why do I have to pay for a permit?

    The 色情网站 utilizes the permit system to fund the upkeep and maintenance of parking lots and buildings to include signage, paving, striping, trash removal, exterior lighting and snow removal. Parking revenues also fund maintenance of campus trails, pedestrian walkways, and subsidize the Seawolf Shuttle in the amount not covered by the transportation fee.

    Vehicles parked on campus must display either a valid parking permit, day pass, Pay N Park receipt, or pay by plate via the Pay N Park or Passport Parking App.

  • What do my permit fees pay for? Why am I charged a transportation fee if I already buy a permit?

    The transportation fee pays for the People Mover and Valley Mover bus contracts which allow students, staff and faculty to ride the bus for FREE. Parking revenues fund the upkeep and maintenance of parking lots and buildings to include signage, paving, striping, trash removal, exterior lighting and snow removal. Parking revenues also fund maintenance of campus trails, pedestrian walkways, and subsidize the Seawolf Shuttle in the amount not covered by the transportation fee. A significant portion of this revenue also contributes to retiring debt accrued in the construction of the East Parking Garage near the CPISB and Engineering Garage near ECB.

    While you may choose to drive to campus, all of these facilities and services are available to you, which is why you are assessed this fee regardless of your permit standing.

  • Who can I call for a jump start, vehicle unlock, or walking safety escort?
    You may request these services by calling (907) 786-1103 Mon-Thur 7am-8pm or Friday 7am-5pm. However, limited staffing may mean extended wait times for a response or services may be unavailable. If outside of these hours, please call UPD at (907) 786-1120.
  • When do I have to pay to park?
    Reserved and posted areas are enforced year-round (Fire Lane, ADA Spaces, Priority, Loading, etc.) Parking permits are enforced Monday thru Thursday, 7:30am to 7:30pm 
  • How do I purchase a parking permit?
    Permits can be purchased online at . The Parking Services Office provides access to computers where you can order your permit and print out a temporary permit; however, a permit can be purchased from any internet-accessible device. 
  • How do I add the permit fee to my student account?
    When you reach the Payment Method during the permit ordering process, select Student Account. Your Account Number is your University/student ID number (e.g. 3xxxxxxx). The permit fee will then be added to your Student Account.
  • How do I purchase the Housing Resident Permit?

    The Resident Permit has been discontinued. There is no longer a separate permit or pricing for residents of 色情网站 Housing.

    Permits can be purchased online at . The Parking Services Office provides access to computers where you can order your permit and print out a temporary permit; however, a permit can be purchased from any internet-accessible device. 

  • How do I replace a lost or stolen permit?
    Come into the Parking Services Office and fill out a Lost/Stolen Form reporting your permit lost/stolen. Once you have submitted the form, we will reissue you a permit for $10. This cancels the old permit and we'll give you a new permit. If your old permit is found on campus we will alert UPD that we have located the stolen permit. The vehicle displaying the stolen permit will be cited, the permit may be seized and the vehicle may be booted/immobilized.
  • What do I do until I receive my permit in the mail?

    You need to print a temporary permit and display it on the driver side of the dashboard. Be sure your printer is on and ready before accessing the temporary permit. To print the temporary permit:

    1. Log into your account.
    2. Click on Account, found on the upper right hand.
    3. Click on View Permits, found in the middle column
    4. Click on Print under Print Temp.

    Keep in mind that the temporary permit will expire 21 days from the order date. If you do not receive your permit within 2 days from the expiration date of the temporary permit, please contact Parking Services Office at (907) 786-1119.

  • Can I use my permit with more than one car?
    Yes, up to 3 vehicles may be linked to any permit. However, a valid permit must be displayed on which ever vehicle is parked on campus at the given time. The permit is designed to be peeled and transferred with ease; we encourage bending back a corner of the permit for ease of transfer. If more than one vehicle will be on campus at the same time, you will need to purchase an additional permit or use the Pay N Park/Passport App during the times both cars will be driven. You need to make sure that your account is updated with your vehicle information, and that your vehicles are linked to your permit.
  • How do I add another vehicle to my permit?

    To add another vehicle, log into your account:

    1. Click on Account, found on the upper right hand.
    2. Click on View Permits, found in middle column.
    3. Click on the blue circle under Vehicle for your active permit.
    4. Click on New Vehicle then add vehicle information, Add
    5. The original vehicle will appear to have been removed
    6. Click on Manage Vehicles - All current vehicles will appear and will be linked to your permit.

    Make sure to properly transfer and display the permit when driving onto campus.

  • I left my permit inside my car, and now I'm driving a different car, what do I do?
    Your first option is to pay for the time you will be on campus for the day. Your second option is to stop by Parking Services Office in ESH 102B and request an Extended Temporary Permit. The Extended Temporary Permit can only be issued once per semester and is valid for 7 days. Bring a picture ID with you when visiting Parking Services.
  • Can I get a second permit decal?
    No, each permit sold will only receive one decal. If your decal is damaged, lost, or stolen, you may visit the Parking Services Office to obtain a replacement.
  • What do I do if the parking machine isn't working?
    Notify Parking Services immediately at (907) 786-1103. A valid permit is necessary when parking on campus. You can locate the nearest Pay N Park kiosk or use the to pay for parking by phone without the need to display a permit in your vehicle.

Enforcement & Citations

  • When are parking rules enforced?

    色情网站 permits are enforced Mon-Thur 7:30am to 7:30pm. Restricted or posted areas (Fire Lanes, ADA, Priority, Loading, etc.) are enforced year-round. Access the Parking Rules and Regulations.

  • How do I pay a citation?

    Three Options to Pay Your Citation:

    1. Pay Online: Submit your payment . Violations can be found by searching via your license plate or notice number.
    2. Pay in Person: Submit your payment in person at the Parking Services Office, Eugene Short Hall 102B, 2601 Providence Drive.
    3. Pay by Check or Money Order (cash NOT accepted): Submit your check or money order, made payable to 色情网站 Parking Services, via mail or dropping in one of Parking Services drop-boxes. 


    Mailing Address: 

    色情网站 Parking Services

    3211 Providence Drive

    Anchorage, AK 99508


    Drop-box Locations: 

    • Inside Eugene Short Hall

    • Outside Enrollment Services Center
    • Alaska Airlines Center Main Lot (next to the Pay N Park)
    • Alaska Airlines Center Reserved Lot (next to the Pay N Park)
  • How long do I have to pay my citation?

    Upon receiving a citation, you have 21 days to pay the citation (or file an appeal) before a $25 late fee is added to the fine. If after 21 days from the citation issue date you have neither paid the citation or filed an appeal, your right to appeal will be forfeit and one or more of the following actions will occur:

    • The citation will be place on your student account/sent to collections
    • A hold will be placed on your student account, preventing the retrieval of transcripts and a $50 administrative fee will be assessed if three or more citations are outstanding
    • Parking privileges may be revoked on the 色情网站 Campus
  • How much are citations?

    Citations range from $10 to $500 depending on the violation. Access the Parking Rules and Regulations to see descriptions of violations.

  • What does it mean when my citation shows "Collection Transferred"?

    When a citation is not paid within 45 days from when it was issued, the citation is then moved to an account with the University (student account). The citation would then be the responsibility of the registered owner of the vehicle or the registered owner of the permit the vehicle was linked to.

  • I wasn't driving the vehicle at the time, why do I have to pay?

    The registered owner of the vehicle is responsible for either paying or appealing the citation. The ultimate responsibility of the debt belongs to the registered owner of the vehicle per Alaska Motor Vehicle Statutes.

  • What if I got a citation in the mail for a car I don't own anymore?
    If the Department of Motor Vehicles registration records shows you as the registered owner of the vehicle during the time the citation was issued, you will need to provide evidence that the vehicle was no longer in your possession at that time. A notarized Bill of Sale or an auto dealership Bill of Sale can be evidence enough to remove the citation from your responsibility.
  • I don't agree with the citation, what can I do?

    Recipients of parking citations may appeal tickets if they believe that no violation of regulations occurred.

    Upon receiving a citation, you have the right to appeal  within 21 days from the citation issue date. If an appeal is not received within 21 days of the citation date, your right to appeal is forfeit and a $25 late fee will be added.

    Appeals are only accepted online. Ensuring each appellant is given the same amount of time to appeal and that a valid contact email address is used. Appeal decisions will be sent via the provided email address.

  • What happens if I don't pay a citation?

    Upon receiving a citation, you have 21 days to pay the citation (or file an appeal) before a $25 late fee is added to the fine. If after 21 days from the citation issue date you have neither paid the citation or filed an appeal, your right to appeal will be forfeit and one or more of the following actions will occur:

    • The citation will be place on your student account/sent to collections
    • A hold will be placed on your student account, preventing the retrieval of transcripts and a $50 administrative fee will be assessed if three or more citations are outstanding
    • Parking privileges may be revoked on the 色情网站 Campus
    Further collections processes are handled by the University's Accounting Department.
  • Why was my car booted or impounded?
    Vehicles on 色情网站 property may be booted if the vehicle has three or more outstanding citations or owes $300 or more in fines/fees. The charge for the "boot" is $50. Failure to resolve the citations may result in the commercial towing of a vehicle from campus at the owner's expense. Unauthorized removal of, or damage to, an immobilization device is a criminal offense and will be reported to University Police.

Student Housing Parking FAQs

  • What do I do if I have more than one vehicle on campus?
    Housing residents must display a valid permit for every vehicle parked on campus. A housing resident may purchase a maximum of two permits, but must bring proof of ownership for both vehicles before a second permit may be approved.
  • Do I need a permit if I live in Templewood?
    Yes. Every resident who owns a vehicle parked at housing must display a valid permit. This includes vehicles parked in Templewood garages or any surface lot at housing.
  • Can my guests park in the housing lots?
    No, your guests must park in the visitor lots adjacent to the housing parking. They will need to display a valid 色情网站 permit, permit from the Pay N Park machine found in Willow Lot or have paid by phone using the for the duration of their visit.
  • Are the visitor lots free to park in?

    A permit is required in Willow and Cottonwood lots Mon-Thur 7:30am to 7:30pm.

    Permits are required in resident lots (Birch, Spruce, Cedar, Alder, and Templewood) 24/7.

  • Where is the Pay N Park machine in Housing?
    The Pay N Park machine is in the Willow lot behind the Commons.
  • Can I park in the loading zones outside my hall overnight?
    No, the loading zone is for loading and unloading your vehicle only. Parking over the posted time limit may result in a citation.
  • Where can I park when moving in/out of my hall?

    The only places you can park are the loading zones for the posted time limit. If there is no space in the loading zone you will need to park in the lot or wait for a loading zone space to open up. 

    Obstructing a dumpster, fire hydrant, roadway, sidewalk, or building access will result in a fine.

  • Can I park in front of the dumpster in front of my room to unload groceries?

    No, you can only park in a loading zone to load or unload vehicles; you cannot park in the road, in front of a dumpster, or any other access area to get closer to your hall. 

    Obstructing a dumpster, fire hydrant, roadway, sidewalk, or building access will result in a fine.