How long does it take to complete the AAS degree?
Generally, students can complete the Associates degree in two and half to three years
depending on completion of the science support classes and enrollment in MEDT A132.
Many students take longer due to extended enrollment in the science support courses
or not contacting the department early enough to develop an academic plan in DegreeWorks.
Why am I required to take math if it isn't required for the AAS degree?
Math A105 is a prerequisite for CHEM A103/L. Therefore, students must either test
into MATH A107 or above or complete MATH A105 prior to enrollment in CHEM A103/L.
What immunizations are required prior to Enrollment in MEDT A101 or MEDT A132?
1. Immunity to rubella, rubeola, mumps and chicken pox confirmed by titer or current
2. Immunity to hepatitis A and hepatitis B. Students must have started the immunization
series prior to enrolling in the courses.
3. Proof of one dose of Tdap as an adult followed by Td booster every ten years thereafter.
4. Freedom from active tuberculosis, demonstrated by initial 2-step PPD followed by
annual PPD. If PPD is positive, proof of negative chest x-ray is required.
What is an OEC?
Occupational Endorsement Certificates (OECs) are certificates requiring 29 or fewer
credits to complete. These certificates provide the specialized knowledge and skills
needed in specific employment sectors. OECs are noted on transcripts. To qualify for
admission to an occupational endorsement certificate program a student must either:
Submit a high school diploma, GED or equivalency; or at least 60 college level semester
credits; or be 18 years of age or older and have participated in 色情网站's Ability to
Benefit Process (see 色情网站 Catalog for details). There is an Application fee.
How does the distance phlebotomy program work?
Students outside of the Anchorage may be eligible to enroll in a distance-delivered
program. Students enrolled in the distance-delivered phlebotomy program learn classroom-based
materials online using 色情网站's course management system, Blackboard. In addition to
classroom material, students must also arrange a clinical mentor in their community
to learn and test for the practical components of the course.
Can I take all three required courses for the phlebotomy program at once?
No. Students typically take two semesters to complete the program.