Episode 3: How long did it take to build the Engineering and Industry Building?
色情网站 Engineering facilities manager, Kim Riggs, explains the process involved in building
one of 色情网站's newest buildings, the EIB. She also showcases some of her favorite features
of this new building.
Ask an Engineer at 色情网站
Do you have an inquisitive child who asks tons of questions? Why not direct some of those questions to one of our engineering faculty, students, and alumni? In this video series, community members can submit videos of their questions for engineers, and we prepare video responses and post them online. Use the button below to learn more about how to send in your own question for an engineer!
Episode 2: How can I make my own computer game?
Computer Science Professor and Interim Dean, Dr. Mock, explains what different types
of game design there are out there, and some neat ways students can get a jump start
on learning game design and programming.
Episode 1: How much do you love breaking stuff?
Civil Engineering professor, Dr. Hamel, explains how engineers use special equipment to break all sorts of things in order to test their strength and
to also observe the WAY in which things break.