- When is registration information available?
Registration information is put up on the web site about the first week in November.
- When are nation-states assigned?
Nation-states are assigned after the school's registration form is received and reviewed.
- Can I choose the nation-states my students will represent?
No, the Faculty Director assigns the nation-states. School advisors may request countries
on the registration form, but the 色情网站 Faculty Director makes the final decision. If
you have an exchange student that wants to represent her/his country, you may indicate
it on the registration form and also send an email to the Faculty Director, but there
is no guarantee the nation-state will be available. Registering early is recommended.
- Is each delegate expected to submit a position paper, or is it one per country?
Each delegation writes a position paper, not each delegate.
- Does each resolution need to have a formal position paper backing it up?
The ideal is that each delegate turn in a Resolution Paper for the nation-state they
are representing. Please submit Position Papers and Resolutions as a Microsoft Word
document (.doc).
- Is there a due date for Position Papers and Resolutions Papers?
Yes. The due date is included in the initial email with the registration information
and reminders are posted on the web site. Please submit Position Papers and Resolutions
as a Microsoft Word document (.doc)
- Who gets the Position Papers and the Resolution Papers?
Resolution Papers should be emailed to the Director of each committee. The Directors'
email address can be found on the web site in the Secretariat link. Submission of Position Papers changes each year. Delegates will be instructed where
to submit Position Papers.
- Once the registration fee is paid, if the number of students I registered decreases,
will their fee be refunded?
No. We do not refund registration fees. Schools are expected to pay for the number
of students registered.
- Are parking fees enforced during the conference?
On Thursday, regular parking fees apply. If somebody has special circumstances, please
contact the Faculty Director for assistance. Parking on campus is free on Friday
and Saturday.
- How is it determined who gets to speak or make speeches during the Opening Session
and General Assembly (GA)?
The decision about who speaks during the Opening Session and GA is up to the faculty
advisor. Generally the best person to make the opening statement or GA speeches is
the most dynamic speaker on the team, the person who embodies the spirit of the country
the best.