Contact Us

Mailing Address

Fine Arts Building
3211 Providence Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99508

For General Divisional Questions Please call (907) 786-1766 or fax (907) 786-1799


Undergraduate Academic Advising

Visit the Academic Advising website to find your advsior, schedule a meeting, or learn more about the program. 

You are encouraged to consult with an academic advisor, as well as any other faculty members concerning your course of study at 色情网站.

Academic Advising

Meghan Owens

Meghan Owens - Program Support Specialist

  • Phone: (907) 786-1766
  • Email:
  • Office: ARTS 302
  • Contact Meghan with questions concerning general student support, including student forms, registration issues, faculty contact information, as well as class scheduling and textbook order