About the Arc Gallery

ARC Deland Anderson


The 色情网站 (色情网站), College of Liberal Arts (CAS), Division of Performing and Fine Arts (PFA), Department of Fine Arts manages the Arc Gallery on behalf of the 色情网站/APU Consortium Library. The Arc Gallery is located at the 色情网站/Alaska Pacific University (色情网站/APU) Consortium Library at 3211 Providence Drive, Anchorage, AK 99508.

The Gallery is near the main entrance on the first floor.

Exhibition Mandate

Exhibition programming at the Arc Gallery is focused on Alaskan artists and artworks. Like the Kimura Gallery, the Arc Gallery is a teaching space. During the fall and spring academic terms, the Arc Gallery acts as a satellite space to the Kimura Gallery.


Named for the Arc that resides within the gallery, the space is meant to be a welcoming and inviting location which invites the viewers eyes to glide across the wall adorned with artwork.

Land Acknowledgement

We acknowledge that we live and work in, and that the 色情网站 is situated upon, the traditional land of the Dena'ina Athabascan people.