About Event States
Event States are the state of planning the event is in. The status of Tasks/Requests are not related to the Event State. Event states are used by Location and Resource Approvers to determine priority use. If you create your event with an Event State other than Confirmed you are responsible for updating the Event State when it changes. Below is a list of the Event States and helpful information about each one.
What it Means: Event is in the thinking about stage.
Will Tasks/Requests be Created: No
Will it be Included in Space Utilization Reports: No
Other Notes: Will be deleted by System Administrator if the date has passed. If you wish to have draft event to use as a template for other event please include Template at the front of the Event Name.
What it Means: Creator thinks the event will happen but is not 100% sure.
Will Tasks/Requests be Created: Yes
Will it be Included in Space Utilization Reports: No
What it Means: Creator expects this to happen or it did happen.
Will Tasks/Requests be Created: Yes
Will it be Included in Space Utilization Reports: Yes
What it Means: The event has or will happen and the Scheduler want to limit changes to the event.
Will Tasks/Requests be Created: Yes
Will it be Included in Space Utilization Reports: Yes
Other Notes: Only editable by Security Groups with Area Administrator or Scheduler permissions.
What it Means: The event has been cancelled.
Will Tasks/Requests be Created: No
Will it be Included in Space Utilization Reports: No
Other Notes: All Locations and Resources will be unassigned. If the user cancelling the event does not have Unassign permissions, Unassign Tasks will be generated to the Approvers for the Locations and Resources they do not have Unassign permissions to. Users with Requestor level access cannot Uncancel events.
What it Means: The event has been denied by 色情网站 Risk Management. Event has not met the University of Alaska requirements for events on University property. Event cannot be held unless this changes. See Confirmation Notes for details.
Will Tasks/Requests be Created: No
Will it be Included in Space Utilization Reports: No
Other Notes: Not Currently Used. Only editable by Risk Management.