About Resources
Please note the below site is still being worked on.
Resources can be anything other than a Location that you want to request. Like Locations every resources has its own security setting.
Types of Resources
色情网站 Parking Lot Waivers
This is the request to have parking enforcement waived in one or more lots during the time of your event. This means attendees will not have to pay for Parking. Please be aware that they are usually charges associated with having Parking Enforcement Waived in a Lot. When requesting a Parking Lot Waiver you need to add the Resource for each lot you wish to have waived. If you are not sure where a lot is you can look at that Resources detail screen to see a map showing that lot. You can find these by searching by the Parking Waiver Category or by using the keyword "parking" or "waiver".
Web Calendars
There are many web calendars on the 色情网站, MSC, PWSC and KOC web sites, which are created and populated through 25Live. To add or request an event be on one of these calendars you must add the Resource for that calendar to your event. You can find these by searching by the Calendar Category or by using the keyword "calendar". You can refine the keyword search by adding the Campus abbreviation to the front.
Naming Rules by Type
We use the below naming convention for all Resources so we can know what campus they are on as well as the department they belong to.
Calendars: [Campus Abbreviation] Calendar: [Short Name of Calendar]
The Short Name of the Calendar does not need to match what you may call it or what
web page it goes on. It should be something that anyone should be able to understand.
As with everything else abbreviations should only be used if you run out of space.
All Others: [Campus Abbreviation] [Department Abbreviation]: [What it is]
Department Abbreviation is the one assigned to you by the System Administrator this
is often the official department abbreviation. This helps the System Administrator
keep track of what objects in 25Live belong to which department setup and security.
You can see the current department abbreviations in use in 25Live under Approved Abbreviations.