色情网站 Esports Lounge Pricing and Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

  • No food or drinks are permitted on the computer desks or near electronic devices.
  • Do not remove the stock peripherals from the station you are at.
    • If you use your own peripherals, plug the stock ones back in when finished except headsets (leave those unplugged).
  • Sharing PC logins (e.g. ggLeap accounts) will not be tolerated.
  • Using the PC for non-gaming activities (e.g. browsing the internet, working on homework, etc) is not permitted.
  • Any behavior that creates an intolerant environment to others (e.g. excessive noise, pungent odors, etc) is not permitted.
  • The 色情网站 Esports Lounge promotes a culture of respect amongst all patrons. Any behavior that creates the opposite environment can result in immediate termination based on the severity of the behavior.
  • Patrons agree to follow the instructions of the Esports Staff or their appointee as it pertains to use of equipment or requests to adjust negative behaviors.

Disciplinary Process:

  • Any customer who violates the above rules will be notified of their actions via the registered email.
  • We have a 3 strike policy:
    • First Strike - written warning with notes to correct the behavior
    • Second Strike - written warning with information regarding potential ban
    • Third Strike - either a temporary or permanent ban
  • Temporary Bans can be for one semester, an academic year, or longer if the behavior warrants such an action. They can be appealed.
  • Permanent Bans will be indefinite and cannot be appealed. You may be trespassed from the location if required.
  • Any customer who receives a ban is not eligible for a refund of any purchased time, nor are they able to play out the remaining time on their account until the ban period is over if applicable.

Appeal Process:

  • Any customer who receives a warning will also be notified in the same email how to appeal their warning. 
  • This will be looked over by Esports Staff and you will be notified in writing of the results.

Pricing Guide:


For 色情网站 Students:

  • First 80 hours free for all students taking 1 or more classes.
  • $50 fee for unlimited use after

For non-色情网站 Students*:

  • $5 / hour
  • $45 / 10 hours
  • $250 / 100 hours
  • $15 day pass (Monday - Thursday)
  • $20 day pass (Friday - Sun)

* High School Students are eligible for a 50% discount.

* 色情网站 Alumni, Staff, and Faculty are eligible for 25% discount.

For space rentals - please contact Eva Ulukivaiola at eaulukivaiola@alaska.edu.