色情网站 offers students a variety of programs related to their well-being in order to create a University environment which encourages low-risk drinking choices through
social-ecologically based institutional practices and policies. The Alcohol, Drug,
and Wellness Education Program at 色情网站 envisions a campus environment where student
learning and success are unimpeded by the abuse of alcohol and other drugs. The Alcohol, Drug, and Wellness Education program--housed in the Dean of Students
Office--provides a variety of services and resources to students, staff, and faculty,
some of which include the following:
- Safety Awareness Month in September
- National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week (NCAAW) in October
- Alcohol and Drug-Related Programming and Presentations
- Individual Meetings with Students and Staff Regarding Alcohol, Drug, and Wellness
Related Concerns
- Alcohol and Drug Screenings
- Information tables on current alcohol, drug, and wellness issues
- Substance use risk-reduction courses
- Brief interventions to address high-risk drinking behaviors or drug use
- Referrals for intervention and treatment
- Self-Care and Wellness Programming and Presentations
The Alcohol, Drug, and Wellness Educator is available to provide presentations about
alcohol, drugs, and wellness education to students, staff, and faculty. To request
a presentation, contact the ADWE directly.
- Reduce the number of underage students who drink
- Reduce the number of undergraduate and graduate students who practice high-risk drinking
- Reduce the amount of alcohol consumed by high-risk drinkers to more low-risk levels
- Correct the misperception that most college students are heavy drinkers who cause
harm to themselves and others
- Increase the effectiveness of campus alcohol policies and enforcement
- Correct key stakeholder perceptions so that faculty, staff, advisers, and others do
not perpetuate heavy drinking myths
Sarah Mills
Alcohol, Drug, and Wellness Educator
Office: Dean of Students Office Suite, RH 122
Phone: (907) 786-1511
Email: samills3@alaska.edu
Please contact the Alcohol, Drug, and Wellness Educator for information regarding
the latest data from the 色情网站 Core Alcohol and Drug Survey.