
  • Environmental Scanning

    Environmental Scanning Resources

    • is a leading national publication covering a broad range of topics pertaining to higher education.
    • is an online publication of the Times of Higher Education providing news, analysis and other information for the broader higher education community.
    • is an online peer-reviewed magazine published six times a year and covers contemporary issues, trends and various impacts of higher education.
    • hosts multiple resources on higher ed topics including news, rankings, resources and data.
    • reports on news and trends shaping higher education including topics such as online learning, policy, legal, leadership, enrollment and more.
    • has information on student demand and shifting student demographics. It also houses various resources including eBooks, webinars and whitepapers.
    •  â€“ Provides projections of US High School graduates, state by state interactive map is also available
    •  â€“  Provides information from the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development including Monthly Employment statistics, unemployment rate, wages by occupation, and quarterly census data.

    National & Regional Data on Higher Education

    • publishes information about the labor market for the nation as a whole for the next ten-years.
    • publishes data on postsecondary metrics from all reporting institutions. With the majority of institutions in the United States providing data to the Clearinghouse, the research center’s publications guide policymakers and business leaders to make the best decisions for higher education.
    • provides ongoing publications on WICHE research, legislative updates, information about Open Education Resources (OER) and the WICHE data sets.
    • hosts the portal for 7 national data reports including the College Scorecard, Net Price Calculator, State Spending Charts, College Affordability and Transparency lists and College Navigator.

    Alaska Specific Information

    • is a quick overview of WICHE metrics related to Alaska including the Alaska Factsheet
    • provides key state data and research on topics such as population, unemployment, worker residency data, projections, labor market information and the Economic Trends reports.
    • provides several resources including the "Research and Reports" section which contains the annual ACPE Higher Education Almanac.
    • is the home of several key studies developed by the AEDC. The AEDC is a non-profit which encourages economic growth and diversity in Anchorage. 

    University of Alaska

    • provides broad information about the UA Pillars, System Goals, Guiding Principles and the Roles of the Universities and the System Office
    • is the website maintained by the University of Alaska containing majors and in-demand careers and education based on students interests.
    • is the collection of publications and reports conducted by ISER faculty and staff. It also includes links to information from over 15 different sub-communities such as the Center for Alaska Education Policy and Research, various academic colleges, University Advancement and others.
  • É«ÇéÍøÕ¾ Data Widgets

    É«ÇéÍøÕ¾ Institutional Research is currently developing a series of data widgets with institutional data that can be posted on É«ÇéÍøÕ¾ websites. These widgets will be updated by É«ÇéÍøÕ¾ IR based on data availability. Please check back often for updates.

  • General É«ÇéÍøÕ¾ IR Resources

    Information developed by É«ÇéÍøÕ¾ IR will be made available including data schedules, infographics, Edugraphics and other materials. Check Green and Gold for updates to this section as information becomes available.