Spring 2025 CoEng Celebration of Graduates
Order of Event
Dr. Jennifer Brock, Associate Dean of Academics
Mr. Sean Parnell, 色情网站 Chancellor
Dean's Remarks
Dr. Kenrick Mock, Dean
Graduating Student Recognitions
Department Chairs
Order of the Engineer Ceremony
Dr. Getu Hailu, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Pledge of the Computing Professional Ceremony
Dr. Sebastian Neumayer, Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering
Student Speaker (s)
Alumni Remarks
Closing Remarks & Class Photo
Dr. Jennifer Brock, Associate Dean of Academics
Event Details
Date: Friday, May 2, 2025
Time: 4:00-6:00 PM
Location (participants) : EIB 2nd Floor Solarium
Location (guests): EIB 2nd Floor Solarium or YouTube Live streaming.
Welcome Guests
Thank you for joining us for this celebration of the Spring 2025 色情网站 College of Engineering graduates. As guests, we invite you to attend in person in the EIB 2nd floor Solarium or watch the live stream by clicking on the link above. A recording of the event will be made available on our website and social media via to view afterward.
Welcome Graduates
Congratulations on your graduation! As participants in the celebration, you will need
to join us in the EIB 2nd floor Solarium. Please plan to arrive at the EIB 2nd floor Solarium no later than 3:45pm.
- Order of the Engineer Oath
I am an Engineer. In my profession, I take deep pride. To it, I owe solemn obligations.
As an engineer, I pledge to practice integrity and fair dealing, tolerance and respect,
and to uphold devotion to the standards and dignity of my profession.
I will always be conscious that my skill carries with it the obligation to serve humanity by making the best use of the Earth's precious wealth.
As an engineer, I shall participate in none but honest enterprises.
When needed, my skill and knowledge shall be given, without reservation, for the public good.
In the performance of duty, and in fidelity to my profession, I shall give my utmost.
- Pledge of the Computing Professional
I am a Computing Professional.
My work as a Computing Professional affects people's lives, both now and into the future.
As a result, I bear moral and ethical responsibilities to society.
As a Computing Professional, I pledge to practice my profession with the highest level of integrity and competence.
I shall always use my skills for the public good.
I shall be honest about my limitations, continuously seeking to improve my skills through life-long learning.
I shall engage only in honorable and upstanding endeavors.
By my actions, I pledge to honor my chosen profession.