Alaska Piano Competition Rules and Regulations
Young Intermediate (Elementary age students, up through public school grade 6)
Intermediate (Junior/Senior high age group)
Junior Young Artist
Senior Young Artist
Teacher Eligibility: Teachers must be currently residing in Alaska.
Student Eligibility:
- Students must have taken lessons with the teacher since September of the school year in which the competition will take place (e.g. students must have studied with their current teacher since September of 2022 for the competition that will be held in 2023).
- Any student through age 18 may enter any division, except for Young Intermediate and Intermediate, which has age specifications (see above).
- First-place winners may not compete again in the same level, and shall compete at a more advanced level.
- The judge will select one first, second, and third place winner in each division adjudicated. Honorable Mentions may be awarded at the judge's discretion.
- All decisions of the judge are final.
Awards: Cash awards for winners may differ by category and are subject to available funds in any given year.
Applications and fees: Applications will be available online following the competition announcement, typically by February of the year in which the competition is held. Fees may be adjusted by the administrative authority each year depending on budgetary requirements of the competition. For 2023 the fees are as follows: $85 for Junior and Senior Young Artist; $75 for Young Intermediate and Intermediate."
Screening: Each application will be screened by the Committee or designated subcommittee to ensure that entrants meet all requirements, which includes timely submission of application by the deadline, and appropriate payment of fees. The committee reserves the right to change a student's category after the repertoire has been evaluated. In all matters of eligibility or procedure, the committee's decision is final.
Repertoire: The Alaska Piano Competition syllabi should be used as a guide for classifying student level. Each level is posted on the 色情网站 Music Department website for reference. Repertoire does not have to come from the Repertoire list, although literature must be of similar difficulty to the works listed in a particular category. Simplifications are not allowed in any category. Transcriptions and arrangements are allowed in the junior level and advanced repertoire (Levels A7, 8, and 9). Selections should be chosen from the standard repertoire. Repeats may be taken at the discretion of the performer. Selections must be memorized. Participants must furnish music scores for the judge. Measures must be numbered at least from each line, and identifying marks should be removed. Photocopies are not allowed. Teachers are responsible for seeing that time and literature requirements are met. Please note: The following changes and clarifications apply to the current repertoire listings in the Syllabus: Rachmaninoff is classified as a composer from the Romantic style period. Scriabin's music falls into the Romantic category for pieces written prior to 1900, and into the Contemporary category for those works composed in 1900 and after.
Young Intermediate (For elementary age students, public school grade 6 and younger):
Syllabus level: Up through Intermediate 6
Repertoire for Young Intermediate will consist of at least two and not more than three compositions representing contrasting styles and different periods. Each composition performed must be from different musical periods. Two compositions from one period will not be allowed. Exception: More than one movement from a Sonatina from the Classical period is allowed; multiple movements or multiple selections from compositions from other periods are not allowed. Repeats are allowed at the discretion of the performer. Program time limits: There is no minimum time limit; however, program length may not exceed 10 minutes.
Intermediate (Junior and Senior high age groups)
Syllabus level: Up through Intermediate 6
Repertoire for Intermediate will consist of at least two and not more than three compositions representing contrasting styles and different periods. Each composition performed must be from different musical periods. Two compositions from one period will not be allowed. Exception: More than one movement from a Sonatina from the Classical period is allowed; multiple movements or multiple selections from compositions from other periods are not allowed. Repeats are allowed at the discretion of the performer. Program time limits: There is no minimum time limit; however, program length may not exceed 10 minutes.
Junior Young Artist
Syllabus level: Advanced 7-8
Repertoire for Junior Young Artist will consist of three compositions representing contrasting styles and different periods (Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Impressionistic, or Contemporary). Each composition performed must be from different musical periods.
Two compositions from one period will not be allowed. One selection must be chosen from the Baroque or Classical periods. Repeats are allowed at the discretion of the performer. Program time limits: There is no minimum limit, however program length may not exceed 15 minutes.
Senior Young Artist
Syllabus level: Advanced 9 and above
Repertoire for Senior Young Artist will consist of three compositions representing contrasting styles and different periods (Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Impressionistic, or Contemporary). Each composition performed must be from different musical periods. Two compositions from one period will not be allowed. One selection must be chosen from the Baroque or Classical periods. Repeats are allowed at the discretion of the performer. Program time limits: There is no minimum time limit, however, program length may not exceed 25 minutes.
Alaska Piano Competition Administrative Guidelines
The administration of the Alaska Piano Competition is the responsibility of the university representative for the competition, hereafter known as the Administrative Director. Financial obligation for the competition may be revoked at any time should the situation warrant. The university may choose not to hold a competition in any given year that financial or other issues arise. The competition advisory committee is appointed by the Administrative Director and is charged with assisting in administering the competition each year that it is held and with enforcement of competition rules. Any changes to these rules will be discussed in committee and posted prior to the announcement of the current competition, ideally prior to January 31 of the current year of the competition. The committee reserves the right, however, to amend and/or adjust any rule or procedure in a competition year at any time if it feels that circumstances warrant.
Competition guidelines
Teachers and Students:
There should be no marks identifying the teacher or student on the contestant's music. Teachers, students, and parents must refrain from talking with the judge before and during the competition. The competition is not considered complete until all divisions have been adjudicated and awards announced. Teachers should avoid behavior that overtly identifies their students to the judge. Teachers and families should not leave the performance hall in which the competition is held before all performers in the scheduled group have performed. All entrants must have studied with their current teacher since the previous September of the current school year of the competition. Teachers and parents are responsible for adherence to all competition rules.
The judge will sit alone during all phases of the competition. Teachers, students, and families are not allowed to speak with the judge before or during the competition. The competition will be considered "in progress" until all divisions have performed, adjudicated, and the awards announced. The judge may not ask for information about contestants or teachers until after the entire competition has concluded. Committee members may not deliberate with the judge regarding selection of winners. However, questions regarding application of the rules may be addressed to the Competition Director.